Chinalco Capital presses the "accelerator button" to help the industry's green transformation and development


Recently, the Central Financial Work Conference was held in Beijing. The meeting emphasized that the financial system must have the "biggest country" in mind and effectively strengthen high-quality financial services for major strategies, key areas and weak links; use more financial resources to promote technological innovation, advanced manufacturing, green development and small, medium and micro enterprises ; Prepare five major articles on technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance, and digital finance. As Chinalco Group's industrial and financial innovation platform, Chinalco Capital has always resolutely implemented the major decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, actively innovated and explored, and comprehensively used a variety of green financial means to accelerate the green transformation and upgrading of the group's industry.

Strengthen top-level design

Carrying forward the new mission of industrial integration of state-owned enterprises

Strategy leads the development direction. Chinalco Capital has always attached great importance to the strategic planning of green finance. Guided by building the group into a world-class outstanding non-ferrous metals enterprise, focusing on the "four strengths" and serving the group's green transformation as the main line, it has formulated and implemented the "Special Implementation Plan for Green Finance Development", established and improved the green finance organizational system, Product service system and guarantee system, enhance green financial service capabilities, and provide industry "green finance" solutions with Chinalco characteristics.

The "Special Implementation Plan for Green Finance Development" has both qualitative and quantitative goals and objectives, highlights the positioning of industrial finance, adheres to goal orientation, task orientation and result orientation, formulates 20 key tasks in 8 aspects, and achieves the task list By the end of the "14th Five-Year Plan", the scale of green financial services will strive to reach 10 billion yuan, and the comprehensive competitiveness of green financial business will be strived to enter the first echelon of central enterprise industrial and financial platforms, and create a green financial platform with industrial characteristics. The industrial finance group has become a new benchmark for green and low-carbon development in the industry.

Strengthen business innovation

Create new practices in green finance

Innovation is the driving force of development. Based on the group's industrial needs, Chinalco Capital continues to strengthen research on new models and new business formats, and has made useful explorations in product and service innovation. In view of the pain points, difficulties and demand points of the industry, we comprehensively utilize the linkage of investment and loans and the combination of stocks and bonds to create a green financial innovation product matrix, and develop and design green credit, green funds, green insurance, green investment banking, green leasing, and green factoring to continuously enhance Adaptability of green financial services to achieve effective supply and innovative development of green financial services.

Relying on leasing, factoring, futures, insurance brokerage, etc., we create an industrial chain financial toolkit covering "sourcing-selection-smelting-adding", develop a supply chain financial product system focusing on "production-supply-marketing-transportation", and provide a one-stop green financial solutions. Under the coordination of the group, Chinalco Capital took the lead in establishing a 6 billion yuan Chinalco Green and Low-Carbon Fund to leverage the value advantages of fund tools, focus on supporting new energy, energy conservation and environmental protection and other industrial fields, and serve the green and low-carbon development of the non-ferrous metal industry. Chinalco Financial Leasing focuses on green logistics, green equipment, green energy and other scenarios, focusing on cultivating green asset operation capabilities. It cooperates with Ningxia Fenghao Electricity Distribution and Sales Co., Ltd., a member company of the group, to take advantage of the direct leasing business model and build three rooftop factory photovoltaic projects. , helping group member units reduce carbon emissions by up to 4,000 tons per year.

Strengthen industry-finance collaboration

Jointly build a new ecology of green development

How to improve the effectiveness of the integration of industry and finance is an important issue that the industrial finance platform of central enterprises continues to explore. Chinalco Capital deeply explores financial business scenarios in the group's main industry chain, actively explores new paths to integrate industry and finance, and explores and promotes photovoltaic power generation construction, aluminum and copper sales and hedging between invested enterprises and group-owned enterprises through investment and loan linkage. Collaborative cooperation in services, new material research and development, green equipment application and other fields.

Chinalco Green Low Carbon Fund strengthens the construction of investment and research capabilities in the green field, focuses on the support and complementary effects of projects on the green transformation of the group's industry, and selects and reserves main businesses to coordinate new energy, smart grids, high-temperature superconducting induction heating, new materials and resource recycling There are more than 30 utilization projects. Promote the reserve target to provide 2,000 tons of high-quality imported scrap aluminum raw materials to Qingdao Light Metal Company. In June 2023, Chinalco Green Low Carbon Fund completed an investment of 800 million yuan in PowerChina New Energy, using equity cooperation to expand the optimization of the energy consumption structure of the main business, high-altitude green power construction, and overseas project green power construction. Chinalco Capital directly invested 450 million yuan in Ouzhi Lianjin to deeply deploy the domestic recycled metal industry chain and support the group's recycling and supply capacity building of recycled metals. It won the 2023 "Top Ten Outstanding Investment Cases Award from Central Enterprises".

Looking forward to the future, Chinalco Capital will thoroughly implement the spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference, keep in mind the "greatest of the country", strengthen its mission, promote the development of green finance in an all-round way, continuously strengthen the responsibility of the central enterprise's industrial and financial platform, and provide high-quality industrial and financial services. , assist the group's green transformation and development, and contribute green financial power to the green and low-carbon development of the non-ferrous metals industry.

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